The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Has anyone considered making maple syrup cheese?...

So many fun things have happened over this summer but I haven't really written about any of em. And right now, I'm having a brain fart so I guess I won't. Although, I have started to take a liking to foriegn languages, mainly Japanese, Anglo Saxton, and Elvish. "Love" written in elvish looks BEAUTIFUL!! I'm not sure how to say it in elvish, though. I think it's "mel" but I'm not possitive. Once I get back home and to my scanner, I'll put some of the drawings on. Cellar Door is another word that I've tried to write in Elvish but the vowels are conflustering. It doesn't look too good. The Anglo Saxton version turned out good, though. Until next time, Cuio i Laer annon! (translation: Live the Summer long)

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