The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

More Canadian Thoughts

I don't seem to be the type to surrender herself to the captivating enchantment of the sea. Even on a mere ferry, a desolate vessel devoid of even billowing sails that seem to be the heart of a ship's beauty. I found my heart giving itself to the rolling, indigo abiss. Man has climded the highest mountain, crossed the vastest deserts, even walked on the moon but the blue beneath the sky was, is, and will be an enigma. Its macinations scarcely fathomed by those above the surface.

The oldest, wisest and fiercest beings on earth, the sharks, perplex us, even today with our revolutionary vessels and instruments. We destroy them because we fear them yet, if we were a more civilized society, we'd learn from them, realizing their lineage and claim to the earth is far greater then ours. Perhaps if man's mind was a bit larger and ego quite a bit smaller, our eyes could be turned to the sky and the sea instead of the news where we find that yet another life has been lost in our feutal attemp for ultimate power.

Ah, here I go again. I start off with the innocient claim of my love affair with the sea and end up railing on mankind. I really need to stop because I'm being a hypocrite and I'msure it's annoying those around me (my weary and aguished mind being first and formost).

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