The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Love or Something Like It

What’s the point of saying "I love you"? To me, "love" seems like no greater a word then "pig" or "ass and people often end up saying all 3 to the same person. Why use that word on a person that gives you undying happiness when it also can be used to describe feelings toward cheese and chipmunks? Saying "I love you" has nothing to do with meaning it. I have absolutely no personal experience to back up these accusations but that seems like the general vibe I get from friends, TV, and music.
I’m not really sure if I’m entirely correct, though. Maybe there is a fuzzy feeling people get when saying "I love you" but, seeing as I’ve never been there yet, I don’t know about it. I’m a writer so I understand the entrancing spell that words can have but how empty they can then leave you. That’s how I feel towards those three words. They’re just words and nothing more.
If somebody tells me they love me, I won’t believe them, at least not at first. If we’re able to look eachother in the eyes and never feel the need to turn away or can confide in them our darkest secrets without any regret towards doing so, then I know it’s true. But these are, once again, just empty words. Simple hopes that will probably never bloom into reality. However, I shouldn’t give up. Maybe it will happen. Maybe.
I really need to stop writing about love. I’m just making a fool of myself.

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