The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Time Sucks

Nothing is worse then the loss of an old friend. I'm speaking of April, whom I've known since I was 4 and she was 3. We've always had our differences but not as many as there are now. To make this simpler, I'll compare the differences, starting with appearance, as that's what struck me first.

Her nails were fake, perfect, and French where as mine were natural, uneven, and bore the chipping remains of nail polish that I applied in early June. April's hair was highlighted and flawless, making me slightly ashamed of my natural, frizzy locks. Her face was preppy, adorned with makeup and without a single blemish. I was the complete opposite with as much acne as she had blush and eye, um, stuff. As you can tell with my exquisite knowledge of the cosmetic world that I have never worn makeup except for the occational lip gloss which I lick off after the first 10 minutes (mmm, vanilla). To top it all off, she was wearing a pink sweater thing with a white undershirt (bloody prep) and I was wearing my orange shirt, bought at Hot Topic, that says "Drink apple juice 'cause OJ will kill you" and old, black sweat pants.

As far as our personality goes, we're so different that we could scarcely hold a conversation for more then a few seconds. The ending of the day was much like the rest of the day as I went to my car to listen to Green Day and she got in her car and the Backstreet Boys started playing.


I think it's time to kiss this friendship goodbye.

Time sucks

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