The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Guy Trouble

Why the hell can't I find a guy? Honestly, I'm low maintanence, I won't drag them around shoe shopping, and I'd LIKE to spend a Sunday watching football. Dinner and a movie? Sure. As long as the movie's not a chick flick. I can't stand 'em! Shopping? As long as we hit Spencer's and EA games, I'm all for it. A romantic night out? Meh. If it's not to FNF or a football game, I'd rather stay home and play video games or watch Star Wars. Talk sports or computers and I'll actually LISTEN! I might even ask questions! As for a romantic get away, I'd screw Hawaii and go to E3 or Comic Con instead. I only have a few guidelines and they are as follows…1)No Raiders fans, Patriots fans, or fans of any team from Texas, 2)must be a Star WARS fan (sorry Trekkies, I just don't swing that way) and/or gamer and lastly 3)No MAJOR RPG fans. It's fine if you sort of like them, but I couldn't be with someone who plays them non stop. That said, what's the friggin problem? Why the bloody hell can't I get a guy?

2 Responses to “Guy Trouble”

  1. # Blogger Aubrey

    I like the Raiders, and how come you have a problem with Texas? Sure their baseball team used to be called The Oilers, but hey, one good thing came from there, ME!

    Anywho, I think the problem you have in not finding a guy is that you're too shy to ask them out. You have to take a chance sometimes. You have to get to know more guys,sure you have Jeremy, Chris, Nick, Zack and Andrew, but try and make friends with somemore, I mean, one's bound to figure out that you're an awesome person. But I'm not sure if you should take relationship tips from ME, so far things have gone pretty meh for me. Um...MONKEY?  

  2. # Blogger Elentine

    Thanks so much! Ya, I guess I do have to take the plunge sometime. It's just, I become friends with them and I'm nervous that I'll loose that.  

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