The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Scare of a Lifetime (Albeit, it's been a short lifetime)

Hungry for good literature, I decided to read a book. Having read all of my books and gotten bored with them, I turned to the only other place I could think of, Blogger. I added a post (Guy Trouble), checked my blog to see how it looked (and I just like looking at my blog. After all, it's so darn purdy, how could you not?), and then realized that there was a button in the top right corner that said "Next Blog". Happy that I don't have to read Spencer's Uber Cheerful Blog Named Exponents (it's kind of making me sick. No offence Spencer), I clicked it and was taken to a blog titled Christian Del'Aune. Scanning the list of recent posts to see if there was one that appealed to me, I found one titled Donnie Darko. A DD fan ever since Bre showed it to me during one Thursday in July, I was happy that someone else had come to the table just as late as I had. Here's the link...
I read the first few sentances, realizing that this person was really an older, male version of me, atleast when it comes to DD. Curious to see if I saw it before or after him, I looked at the date. The second I did so, my heart lept out of my mouth. I know, seeing a movie on the same day as someone else isn't a thing to get excited about but I, previously, was extremely bored and cursing at my shoe laces ("Damn you to hell!!!"). Thinking this was just too creepy, I ran downstairs to check the All Powerful Calendar, nearly crushing Dule on my way down. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that I was in Moab that day. No offence to this dude, but I'm not in the mood for a dopleganger right now.

1 Responses to “Scare of a Lifetime (Albeit, it's been a short lifetime)”

  1. # Blogger Elentine

    QUIT STALKING US, EVIL ADVERITISERS! No, I don't want to date Africa  

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