The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Fight the Power!

Well, today, we became freshman. Okay, actually, we really become freshman tomorrow 'cause that's when we get to be immersed with the upper classman. Most people I talk to claim that high school is awsome, but I just thought of it as another day of school. As I've mentioned earlier, I have no sense of time. One day bleeds into another like the convergence of rivers. Summer's now a fleeting thought and school seems like all I have left. Even the first day feels like any other day. It wasn't always like this. I used to be excited about the first day. I used to come home, extatic and down right bubbly. The start of my high school career should be the most exciting day of my life. Instead, it's just another day of my life. Blah. Nothing more. Here's how it went (in cronological order)...

-Got on bus (Route 66!)
-Realized that it's a different route (Holy S***! WTF!?)
-Got confused when we didn't go to Bilquist (I was there for 7 years so it's instinct)
-Realized that I couldn't hit my head on the wall because it's lined with rocks (well, I could but I'd probably end up with massive head wounds. Wait! I'll get Bre to try it)
-Followed mob to name tags
-Followed mob to gym
-Followed mob out of gym into another gym
-Found friends in mob
-Followed mob w/friends
-Found seats in mob
-Saw the Dr. Phil-ish counsiler
-Ignored the Dr. Phil-ish counsiler
-Watched a balloon popping activity
-Didn't take oath because I forgot which hand was left and which was right
-Formed a line with Andrea
-Got yanked into new line by Bre
-Formed a line by shortest to tallest and realized that I'm average *tear*
-Formed a line in order of shoe size and I moved a total of 5 feet from my previous possition (although I forgot my real shoe size and I just ballparked it)
-Did a thing in which we have to meet people. I met no one (except my Texan English teacher)
-Wondered when we get our schedules
-Got split, alphabetically, into groups (they took Andrea from me. Why? WHY?!) in order to meet people we already know and seniors we don't like or care about.
-Left stuffy gym to go to a stuffy classroom
-Got tour of school and got advise (pretty much, you can do anything as long as you don't get caught)
-Played "games"
-Still wondering when we get our schedules
-Went to bbq and saw everyone (talked to Jeremy about Chobits and remembered why I like him so much)
-Played a game with pieces of paper. Easily got bored.
-Our Link Leaders were given our schedules but forced us to finish the paper game.
-Got schedules. W00T!! HONORS!! AND NO PE!! (atleast not yet) Aww, no photography. Oh well, journalism is just as good.
-Went on a walk through of schedule and I didn't get lost ONCE! Ok...maybe once BUT THAT WAS IT!
- Went back to the big stuffy gym and saw a movie which was a total rip off of the one that Bre thought of that's about the RPHS Band
-Learned the Putnam fight song (On Wisconsin with Putnamized lyrics) but protested school spirit along with Bre and chanted doornob instead
-While everyone chanted Freshman Power, Spencer began to chant Fight the Power and then all of us began to chant it. We were the loudest so we recived some "looks"
-Got on bus (which was late)

Well, there it is. Boring, yes, but such is my life. Also, I know it happened 2 days ago but it was just so darn boring that my fragile attention span can only last so long.

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  1. # Blogger SafeTinspector


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