The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

A Story I Wrote Last Night

"Tye's coming over tonight for dinner. Won't that be delightful? He's such a lovely man," Mom sighed, clearly blinded by the shroud of love. A lovely man? Ha! A bloody prick's what he is. I ached to tell her this but loved her too much to do so. Instead of screaming about how fuckin' pompous he was, I just bit my lip and gave a meager smile. "Oh, c'mon. I know you two have your differences-"got that right "-but I really love him. Nothing would make me happier then to see you guys having a pleasant conversation. Maybe you could play a game on your little Play Box."

"Play Station, mom," I managed to mumble through the spoonfuls of soggy Cheerios.

"Right, right, of course. Play Cube."

"Play Station," I swear, she does this deliberately. Albeit, she does have a hangover, but, really, I shouldn't need to remind her every damn time!

"Oh, don't get snippy? Anywho, I'm going shoe shopping. Care to join me?" More shoes? Good god, she already had enough to give to every size 7 in Africa and parts of West Asia.

"I said no last weekend. I said no yesterday. I've said no for as long as you've been asking me. What on Earth would make you think I'd say yes?!" I hate answering stupid questions!

"Well, there you go getting snippy again."

"No, this is not snippy. This is just common annoyance. Snippy is me and Tye in a confined space," Harsh, but true.

"Alrighty," I cringe at the word, " Stick with those dirty, old sneakers. Your loss."

Not at all feeling as though I'd lost something, my eyes followed mom as she picked up her pink purse from the counter, ("Oh my god, look at this cute little bag! Wouldn't a little chiwowa look adorable in it!" It was at that moment that I realized why they didn't put the purse, lingerie, or jewelery shop next to the gun and knife shop. It would've been way too convenient) grabbed a couple pills (she claimed they were placeboes. I tried them and found otherwise), and walked out the door.

I knew the drill. In 3 hours she'd be back with new pumps, a dress that showed a little too much Mom then I felt comfortable seeing, and Tye, who she claimed "accidently" bumped into her while she was shopping. They would then both giggle, mistaking their pathetic stupidity for something that smelled like wit.

However, I'm an opportunity grabber in addition to being a pessimist and procratinator (the sneakers really were too old. I'm able to see my sock through even the leather parts) so I decide to live these 180 minutes of solitude to the fullest. Proceeding to my room, I found the most violent game I owned. In times of hightened family stress, I have found a way of venting through the art of gaming. It was so effective, I tried to find a way of writing it off as a medical expense. Throughout the game, I just imagine Mom and Tye's faces on my unfortunate victims and in just a few short hours, my anger has almost completely disappeared! Side effects may include, but are not limited to uncontrolable thoughts of violence, siezures, fingure numbness/soreness, rapid loss of braincells, and a thirst for blood. If erection lasts for more then 4 hours, seek immediate medical attention and/or Guinness Book of World Records and consider yourself one lucky bastard.

Well, ya. That's as far as my attention span would allow.

1 Responses to “A Story I Wrote Last Night”

  1. # Blogger Aubrey

    Good story, keep writing,though I think you've watch too much Dr.Phil. lol.  

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