The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Time Really Sucks

So, I entered the second minute of chewing on a piece of steak when it hit me like a well thrown brick: We're becoming high schoolers tomorrow. I can still recall 6th and 7th grade vividly. The past will always be "just yesterday". I've never been more overcome by time and its passing. Why can't we pick a day and live it forever, experimenting and changing it each time? I would, without a doubt, choose the Band All Nighter. Never has my heart been heavier than seeing the sun rise and knowing that that great night had come to an end and knowing it'll never be here again. I'd give all my earthly possestions to live that night one more time. Scott and Becca were still together, Bre still had a thing for Zack, and I was still head over heels for Jeremy. In 4 short years we shall all part ways, starting the hardest summer of our lives. But that day is NOT today and it won't be tommorow. When that time is tomorow, today, and then yesterday, I'll think back and, hopefully, feel I've lived it right.

Summer has come and past
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends

2 Responses to “Time Really Sucks”

  1. # Blogger SafeTinspector

    Just don't let nostalgia blind your future self to the goodness of the present you'll find yourself in.

    Oddly enough, I have always had moments of clarity in my memory. Not so many, but there are bits of time that seem as if they are yesterday. They are spread more-or-less across my entire life. Like your memories of 6th grade...  

  2. # Blogger Unknown

    As you enter high school, I am on the other end. I am going to journey to the 40th reunion of my high school class. Believe me when I say, as I look through our senior yearbook, 99 percent of the faces mean nothing to me now. I do not even remember their names without reading the lables under their faces. Just to put it all in perspective. Now enjoy yourself, hardly anyone will remember what you did or said in high school in 40 years anyway.  

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