The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Ignorance is, in fact, bliss

Last week, I was in Ashland with my mom and her friend, Jan. We saw a Shakespeare and some other comedy, and it was great fun. Driving back up, we stopped at the Oregon Vortex which is, for lack of a better word, a mindfuck. I went it thinking, "Oy, stupid tourist trap," but left thinking, "Wait, no...but that's not...what the fuck?" Anyway, we dallied there for quite a while, and ended up near home late, so we stopped at McMenamin's, just me and my mom. I don't, quite frankly, like hanging out with my parents. I find those heart-to-hearts awkward and go to great lengths to avoid them, but lo!, we were forced into one.

I will not account to you all the meandering soliliquies, the frequent moments of uncomfortable silence. The jist of it was, however, that soon after I graduate, my parents are going to divorce. This, actually, did not come as quite a shock as you may think. Last year, one day before my birthday in fact, my mom mentioned the idea of them separrating. Lovely birthday gift, eh? So, I've had a year to mull over that, and I've come to grips with it. It's meant to be, and it's good for everyone in the long run.

So, why the grievances? Because in two years, my family, as I know it, will be dead. Two years. It's not some ambiguous, oh-it'll-happen-eventually type of thing. My family has an expiration date! How fucking messed up is that? And now I have to stomach this, like the slow journey up a rollercoaster, knowing the terrifying plunge is inevitable. So, that was my week. You fare better?

2 Responses to “Ignorance is, in fact, bliss”

  1. # Blogger Aubrey

    Aww, I'm sorry, Sarah. I can sort of say, I know how you feel, and yet I sort of can't. My parents split when I was like, 4 or 5 so I really don't remember it (except for this one vivid memory of my dad walking out the door with a box while I was watching Mr.Ed on tv on the floor...). My mom would probably understand what it's like a bit more, my grandparents got divorced about the time your parents are going to. It is hard, I can't honestly say that it hasn't done something to me, I know it has, but after a while you get used to it. I don't know, maybe you won't, you've lived with your parents together for all of your life so far and I've lived with mine apart for most of it. But it does get easier. And now I'm done being a sage, young grasshopper. <3 Love ya, Sarah.  

  2. # Blogger Scott

    I'm sorry Sarah, that must be hard. Sometimes parents are blindsided to the need of their children. I really don't know what to say but just lend out a hand. If you ever need something or just need to get away you are welcome to come over. I'm really sorry...  

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