The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Colleges....Yeah, eek

So, I've got it down to four...I think. I'm staying on the west side of the US for sure, and I'm not setting foot in Southern California. I'm planning on majoring in Computer Sciences, I think, but my interests are inconsistent as the tides, so who knows. With that, here are my top four choices (in no particular order, mind you):
  • Boise State -- They're big, they're fairly easy to get into, and they have blue football field.
  • Southern Oregon U -- It's in Oregon (Ashland) and therefore much cheaper, there's easy access to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, it's a bit of a party school (at least that's what my mom's friend, who went there, has said), and it's closer to all of you who are going to the U of O.
  • Southern Utah U -- 50% of the students had a GPA of 3.5 or higher, it's got a good range of computer-related majors, and, most importantly, it's in southern Utah, and we all know how I feel about that place. It's a few short hours from both the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas, and I acknowledge the fact that neither of those two things are related in any way, shape, or form, but are important nevertheless.
  • University of Washington -- Ok, this would be my last choice, which is funny, because this would be the hardest to get into. It requires - well, recommends -- that I get three foreign language credits, whereas the previous three colleges say I only need two for admission. The upside, of course, would be the fact that it's still in the Northwest, and that it's a big, well-known university.
Ok, I'm not ready for all of this. It's really quite horrible. Oh, what are your college choices? I'd really like to know, even though I have an inkling that I'm gonna be all by my lonesome in college. It's a pity U of O isn't a possibility....

3 Responses to “Colleges....Yeah, eek”

  1. # Blogger Christine

    U of O - it's easy to get into, has a wide variety of majors, bla bla bla

    UP - WOO! PORTLAND! WAAAY close to home (which makes me happy), has good philosiphy and theology classes, and I can probably rent my uncle's house, or just live with or near my parents...

    Lewis and Clark - like I'll ever get in, but it's a good school, and has the two things I'm focusing on - art, and science


  2. # Blogger Aubrey

    U OF O ALL THE WAY! WOOOOOOOOO!!! It's cheap, reliable, has music, psychology (though the psych. building is really depressing...) and a few good lit. corses.  

  3. # Blogger Christine

    Yep, U of O is my top choice.

    1. Everyone (including Juan) is going there, so I won't be all by me lonesome self

    2. Like I said - wide variety

    3. Cheaper than the other two I mentioned (way cheaper)

    4. I wanna live in Eugene for a while, even though it's somewhat of a long drive.

    God, I can't decide if I wanna be close to home, or far away (well, semi-far away)! What do you think?  

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