The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Is There Even a World Anymore?

I can't believe it!!! Now I'm ashamed to be an American. There was a terrorist attack in London today and, as far as I know, 33 Brits dead. When I heard, I was like "OMG!" and then I started channel surfing to find a better coverage of it. Granted, it didn't take long cuz I was watching the TV with no cable but I made a startling discovery: America doesn't give a damn about anyone else. The only channels that were covering it were the channels that didn't have anything else to talk about, like CNN, MSNBC, and others. I was thinking, "Britain is the only other country that supports our insane occupation of Iraq, you could atleast show them some sympathy." Uh, my attention span just died. I'm done

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