The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

May the Forth Be With You

Now that it's the 4th of July, I find it's the perfect time to say how much America's fucked up. Let's begin, shall we, with the Uberly wonderful list-o-matic.
1)Bush is in power
2)Religion is running the country
3)Bush is in power
4)If the election were held today, Bush would get creamed. Come on guys, where were you in November?
5)Republicans (aka, Bush & Friends) are in power
6)The Terri Shivo case still lives (even if she doesn't)
7)People are concentrated on nonsence, moralistic (is that even a word?) kind of issues like gay marrige and pro life/pro choice because that's the only thing that Dubya understands.
8)Teens, who are perhaps the most enlightened because we're in school and regularly have debates and have to defend our opinions, aren't allowed to vote
9)Very few people, democrats included, give a damn about the environment.
10)Britney Spears has her own reality show

Well, that's the top ten but the list can sadly go on and on.

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