It's been a while, eh? A lot has been happening, and I just need to put it out somewhere.
But first, new goal! Let's try to keep this place as unangsty as possible. It seems like every post on here is just laughably horrible. It's just so darn hard being a middle class, white teenager these days. Now I'm in college, so it's time to nut up or shut up.
Something weird happened last night. I looked around the room, out the window, and felt like I was home. Flagstaff and NAU have become my home. Finally, everything fits. Well, sort of. I'm starting to feel adultish, and thus am learning to stand on my own two feet, but I'm still lacking in a lot of areas.
My main problem is finding a job. I NEED a job. Not want, need. I need to start building a resume so I can apply for jobs I want and not immediately get shot down because of my glaring lack of experience. I suppose you can count being the Online Chair for Relay as work experience, but at the same time, that doesn't make money. I like money.
I love how frugal I've become in just these last few months. I don't buy clothes, movies, or games (with one huge, HUGE exception). I consider a $15 grocery trip to be pushing the limits and a $8 movie ticket to be ridiculous. Again, the seeds of adulthood are starting to be sewn.
Of course, adulthood also includes not shirking your responsibilities, so I should go do my readings, writings, and LonCapa. Expect some more posts. Having these little moments of introspectiveness is really helpful.