The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

I can't think straight when I'm angry, but I'll just say it: I hate republicans

Yes, I know some, and yes, they're good people. But fuck 'em.

I've had it! Someone, please, for the love of god, tell me why an intelligent person would be a republican? Name one, ONE republican president in the last fifty years that didn't a) damage our economy, b) essentially spit on civil liberties, and c) made things just generally worse. There is no logical reason to be a republican. I've thought long and hard about this, so now I'm watching the Republican National Convention. (I'm a firm believer that everyone should watch both sides of the debate).

So, here I am, watching it (Giuliani, actually), and... I'm more confused. These people are idiots! Drilling isn't going to help! We need alternative energy! Don't chant, people! It's stupid! No! Stop it! This would be funny if it weren't so scary. Now they're booing! Why are you booing? He just said something about Barack's policies THAT MADE TOTAL SENSE! It was logical, showed deep thought, AND THE REPUBLICANS BOOED!

You're the party of freedom? YOU'RE the party of freedom?! With the exception of the slave thing, you've done nothing but limit freedoms! What. The. Hell.

I...I can't watch this any more. My blood pressure's scaring me. I remember why I love this country after the Democratic National Convention, and now I just realized why I hate it so much. Because people like this VOTE.

Back to my first request, however... Please, someone, explain to me why people are republicans. There's got to be some logical reason I'm missing here.

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