The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

I wish you'd give a damn more. When I placed third, you never said "Congrats!" or "Good job!" or even acknowledged that you were aware of it. Also, when I declared what I felt to be a pretty major statement, you never said a single thing about it. It makes me think maybe you're not cool with it, and if that's true, that's fine, but I'd just like to know. You don't care at all about the things that go on with me. Granted, there's usually not that much, but when there is, a little interest would be nice, please.

If I Might Say a Few Things

I did this a while back, and it felt therapeutic, so I figured why not try it again? It's a few nameless messages to people/things that I should get off my chest.

  • I don't feel like I'm settling for you. I could be really happy with you. Like, dancing-in-heaven happy. You seem to be what I've been looking for for years. Just, what others expect of me, I don't know... maybe I am settling.
  • I, um, well... I think that I'm starting to develop feelings for you. It's totally wrong, and it would totally mess up our relationship as friends, but, goodness, sometimes...
  • I really wish you would learn to stand on your own two feet. It's like an addiction for you. I have a really hard time respecting that, and therefor, I have a really hard time respecting you.
  • Tell me some things every now and again! Isn't that what friends are for? I'm not in that circle of trust, I guess, which is weird, because I thought we were close.
  • Thank you for just existing. It'd be utterly devoid of inspiration without you.

A Pleasant Obsession

Not really what's compelling me to do this (perhaps I'm going slightly mad), but...

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